Oral Cancer Screenings

At the Barry’s Bay Dental Hygiene Clinic we recommend starting each appointment with a head and neck exam followed by an Oral ID assessment. The Oral ID is a blue LED light that uses tissue excitation to make tissue change, more visible than with the naked eye. It is quick …

Professional Whitening

First we check your teeth are healthy and make sure whitening is safe for you. A before shade is taken to compare your results too. A barrier is placed over your gum tissue to ensure that your gums are not damaged during the process. The whitening gel is dispensed into …


Sealants are placed in deep pits and fissures of back teeth to prevent cavities from forming in these hard to reach places.  No drilling is required for these preventive fills.  Instead we clean the pits and grooves out well, then place a thin layer of sealant material (resin) into the …